
A worn path eudora welty pdf
A worn path eudora welty pdf

a worn path eudora welty pdf

The relieved woman kicks up her dependable feet and dances with him. When Phoenix gets no response from the “ghost,” she bravely touches the figure and realizes that it is only a scarecrow. ” Her eyesight tricks her into believing that it is a ghost, or perhaps, the Grim Reaper that has come to take her away. “Ghost,” she said sharply, “who be you the ghost of? For I have heard of nary death close by (160). As she makes her way through the corn field, she stumbles across a tall, dark figure. Her feet take her across the fields and lead her out of the swamp and through the maze. When Phoenix nears a fallen tree that lays over the creek, she closes her eyes and lets her feet guide her across it. ” She carefully frees herself and continues along the path. “Old eyes thought you was a pretty little green bush (159). But her eyes fail her as she nears the bottom of the hill and her dress gets snagged in a thorn bush. Phoenix’s feet carry her to the top of the hill and then carefully guide her down the hill. The ragged old woman inches her feet forward with the aid of a makeshift cane, dragging her untied shoelaces along the icy road. “Old Phoenix would have been lost had she not distrusted her eyesight and depended on her feet to know where to take her (162). Although Phoenix is nearly blind, she does not let her failing eyesight keep her from reaching her destination she relies on her feet to take her where she needs to go.

a worn path eudora welty pdf

Even though Phoenix faces a number of obstacles, she reaches her destination and triumphs over her physical handicaps and over nature’s barriers by relying on her inner strengths. Nevertheless, the old woman boldly continues along the equally old path, struggling every step of the way. But he trip is difficult because nature and her handicaps are making it hard for her to reach her destination. Phoenix is going to town to get medication for her beloved grandson. In “A Worn Path,” Welty focuses on an old woman’s journey to Natchez and on the many obstacles that she encounters along the way. Like many of her stories, Eudora Welty’s “A Worn Path” is set in Mississippi.

a worn path eudora welty pdf

  • Phoenix leaves the doctor's office and descends the big building's stairs.Novelist Eudora Welty is often studied and adored by many readers her much deserved recognition comes from her brilliant, deeply compassionate, and lively stories and novels (Ford 36).
  • Phoenix says that she will buy a paper windmill for her grandson with the two nickels.
  • Phoenix gets the medicine for her grandson and a nickel from the attendant.
  • A nurse recognizes Phoenix and asks her about her grandson Phoenix finally starts answering her questions.
  • The attendant in the big building asks Phoenix several questions, but Phoenix does not answer them.
  • She climbs the steps of a big building and announces her arrival.
  • Phoenix arrives in the city, and the first thing she does is ask a woman to tie her shoe.
  • The hunter points his gun at Phoenix, but she is not afraid.
  • While the hunter is off fighting with his dog and the dog that knocked Phoenix over, Phoenix takes a nickel from the path that we assume was dropped by the hunter.
  • A hunter helps her up and asks her a lot of questions.
  • Then she comes to the easy part of the path that passes by more trees, cabins, and a swamp.
  • She crawls under a barbed-wire fence into a field of dead trees and dried cotton, and then she passes into a field of dead corn where she talks to a scarecrow that she first mistakes as a ghost.
  • She sits down to rest and imagines that a little boy brings her a piece of cake.
  • Things get tricky when she catches her dress on a thorny bush and has to traverse a creek.
  • She passes through woods, a hollow, up a hill, and down a hill.
  • Phoenix is walking along a path through the country.

  • A worn path eudora welty pdf